- 2020
- Acrylic on canvas
- 1000x1500
- It was a joy to paint outdoors, despite mosquitoes everywhere. I managed to complete the painting in about 5 days’ work. Many times, I think about a subject, for example in this case, the snail, and everything that comes after it, is from instincts and feelings that I get as I paint.
- 沢⼭の蚊に刺されながらも、屋外で絵を描くのってとっても気持ちがいい。作業は約5⽇間。描き初めは、いつもとある“テーマ“をまず思い浮かべます。例えば、今回のカタツムリが最初に思いつき、そこから、想像や感情の思うまま筆を進める。そんな作業過程でいつも進んでいます。