- Mirage
- 2025
- Oil on canvas
- 655x805
- The Anonymous live in the space between reality and imagination, serving as a bridge between the two. In this piece, two young Anonymous are surrounded by insect specimens, quietly observing the birth of new life—a moment of wonder and the first step into an unknown world. The insects symbolize the flow of time, transformation, and evolution, bringing these elements into the world of the Anonymous.
- 現実と想像の狭間に生き、両者を繋ぐ役割を持つアノニムス。 幼い二体のアノニムスは、昆虫の標本に囲まれながら、新たな生命の誕生を不思議そうに見つめている。未知なる世界への第一歩。昆虫たちを通して、変化し、進化していく時間の流れをアノニムスの世界に持ち込めたら。